JUNE 27 - JULY 1, 2007


The worldwide "movement of movments" keeps growing!
Let's build the NYC Boricua Delegation to the USSF!

To post an event, e-mail info to foronyc@gmail.com

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Monday, October 03, 2005

Mission Statement


The NYC Delegation Steering Committee adheres to the Charter of Principles of the World Social Forum (available at www.forumsocialmundial.org.br).

The NYC Delegation Steering Committee is an integral yet autonomous part of the Red Puertorriqueña Hacia el Foro Social Mundial.


The NYC Delegation Steering Committee

Promotes the active participation in the Puerto Rico Social Forum of all who are interested, especially movements of the Puerto Rican diaspora and other communities in struggle, by providing

  • An open space for the coordination of outreach and fundraising activities
  • Need-based financial assistance for travel to the island
  • Information about housing and transportation options on the island
  • Assistance in registering organizations, individuals, and activities
  • Translation at the event.

Promotes the active participation of movements of the Puerto Rican diaspora based in the New York City area within the social forum movement worldwide, especially the U.S. Social Forum and regional social forums in areas where the Puerto Rican community has a strong presence.

Promotes education about the social forum movement in the New York City area in general, especially in communities with a strong Puerto Rican presence.

Promotes the development of Steering Committees in other cities where the Puerto Rican community has a strong presence.