- Foro 2006: Images
- Puerto Rico Social Forum
- Program
- Boston and NYC Delegation Activities
- Participating Organizations
- Press Release, 8/16/06
- Preliminary Schedule
- NYC Steering Committee Mission Statement
- Contact Us
- Forum Social Mundial
- Foro Social de Puerto Rico
- Foro Social del Caribe
- Foro Social Americas
- United States Social Forum
- 1199 SEIU
- ApuntesPalestine
- Art For Change
- Bandera Roja En Linea
- The Brecht Forum
- Brooklyn Parents for Peace
- F.I.S.T.
- Global Action Project
- Hollaback NYC
- Iglesia San Romero de las Americas
- Iraq Veterans Against the War
- Latinos and Latinas for Social Change
- ProLibertad
- Puerto Rican Nationalist Youth of New York
- Yasmin Hernandez
Upcoming Events
JUNE 27 - JULY 1, 2007
The worldwide "movement of movments" keeps growing!
Let's build the NYC Boricua Delegation to the USSF!
Previous Posts
- First Puerto Rico Social Forum a Success!
- Youth Camp of the 1st P.R. Social Forum
- Reflexiones ante el primer Foro Social de Puerto Rico
- Activities of the Boston and NYC Delegations
- Los movimientos sociales en Puerto Rico se prepara...
- PR Social Fourm Program
- Saturday, Nov. 11: March in Support of the PRSF
- Foro Social de Puerto Rico: Proponer y construir a...
- BomPlenazo 2006 / IV Biennial of Afro-Puerto Rican...
- Call for action!

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