JUNE 27 - JULY 1, 2007


The worldwide "movement of movments" keeps growing!
Let's build the NYC Boricua Delegation to the USSF!

To post an event, e-mail info to foronyc@gmail.com

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Monday, July 03, 2006

Puerto Rico Social Forum

November 17, 18, and 19, 2006
University of Puerto Rico, Río Piedras
The Puerto Rico Social Forum will be a democratic space for reflection and the development of ideas, sharing experiences, building social movement networks, and formulating concrete proposals. It will also provide a space for building alliances between social movement organizations and other groups and individuals in civil society seeking alternatives to the current neoliberal globalization process and its consequences. It will take shape as a process permanently tied to the World Social Forum and related events taking place throughout Latin America and the Caribbean. In order to stimulate and facilitate the participation of the Puerto Rican diaspora, Steering Committees are taking shape in Puerto Rican communities across the U.S. Among other things, the NYC Steering Committee will raise funds to help cover the cost of travel for delegates, help find housing options, and help register delegates and activities.

For more information, please visit www.forosocialpuertorico.org (in Spanish) or email foronyc@gmail.com.